You write so well! You make me read about topics I otherwise would not read and enjoy it too - all thanks to your writing 😊 That Dravid video is Gold! 💜 Thank you.

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Sarthak Dev

It is accepted behaviour that every time we look at someone even slightly broad waisted or awkward, our internal stand-up comic should wake up.

When someone we know of as a backyard bully enters that conversation, we are a bit thrown off, no matter how consistently they land their out-swinger.

I love your writing. People are full of contradictions and I feel those who don't pay attention to the noise and just keep doing what they are good at or where they want to improve, they become legends. Sreesanth as Indian coach though...

Your stylish post made me think, made a point and then ended with a blast! Are you sure you are not just damn awesome? I recommend you get tested please.

Much gratitude for sharing this with us.

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